Sunday, 27 April 2008

sunbaking on the balcony

here i am. it's sunday afternoon and i'm sitting on my balcony blogging! it's been a while between posts as blogger seems to be on again and off again but thanks to pauline, i found out today that it is currently on again. so i thought i should check in while i can.

it's an absolutely GORGEOUS spring day today. blue sky, a few soft cotton wool clouds sparsely spread out. my balcony gets lovely afternoon sun and i'm sitting here in a t-shirt in my comfy chair with the windows open. i can't believe it snowed just a week ago!!! 

Last Monday morning after the snow

This afternoon

The ladies who congregate outside my stairwell door even have their own umbrella

The view from my balcony

i'm so grateful for wireless internet - otherwise i'd be stuck at my desk doing this. the other thing (person) i'm thankful for is julie my flatmate. when i lived in this apartment on my own, this (enclosed) balcony wasn't much more than a place to hang laundry and store old boxes. oh yes, and jonah the german shepherd lived in here as well but let's not get into that story. today, there are pot plants with flowers and little seedlings of vegie plants on the way - all thanks to julie. it really is SO pleasant here.

well, i have nothing insightful or interesting to say really. i just wanted to check in, in case there are still people out there who look me up on here once in a while. 


Donna Lee said...

What!? Blue sky??? You were just telling me how FREEZING you were! How odd!

I am heaps happy for you tho!!!

It was snowing in Orange today so it is ABSOLUTELY FREEZING here today. Oh the contrast! :-D

Unknown said...

That's extreme weather u r having!! I was complaining about the 7 degree nights and 25 degree days in Brisbane. When I went down to Adelaide for the ANZAC day weekend, it was the coldest weekend ever and it RAINED too. Max temperature was 14 degrees!!! I'll be in Melbourne next week - expected max temperature is 18 degrees - with my pink fleece that I bought when you bought your Paddingtom bear coat. Will bring the cap and brolly too.

Anonymous said...

Yay! You updated your blog! Keep em' coming.