Thursday, 6 September 2007

the things you learn at college...

In class yesterday my lecturer said one of the funniest things I've ever heard in a class (in my nearly 8 years of tertiary study - yes, that's right 8 years). He was telling us about the man who wrote the article we were looking at, and he (my lecturer) said that when he first met this writer he had to hold back the giggles cause he looked so much like a garden gnome!!! My lecturer even thought they might have modelled all garden gnomes after his likeness. Too funny.

In the same class we also talked about cow psychology and Rainman.


Anonymous said...

You talked about Rainman in class??? You mean the movie? Thats weird. Have you talked about Facebook yet in class???

Anonymous said...

Well of course silly they have discussed Facebook in class. What university class does not include a section on how Facebook is revolutionizing communication.

Anonymous said...

When I was in college I learned how valuable Facebook.

Anonymous said...

Join the "Get Melinda Mui onto Facebook" Facebook group!! Resistance is futile Mel!

Anonymous said...

What a cute story. Thanks Lin for sharing it with us. Reminds me of some of the cute stories I have seen and read on Facebook, but those people on facebook know all sort of fun and cute stories.

Casey Raquel said...

Melinda...I hadn't even heard of facebook before I started reading your blog! I guess I am way out of the loop in "smallville" Oregon. So don't worry about not having facebook since I didn't even know about it until you! :)

Caleb Murray said...

Haha, I want to meat this guy :D Sounds like a freakin sweet class ^_^